The Par Train crew sits down with Akbar Chisti, the man behind Seamus Golf, to talk about everything from starting your dream business, to Matt Kuchar, to goat caddies and much more. Whether you’re a golf nut or you have a dream, this conversation is for you. Akbar is a living example that nothing is more important than authenticity.
A must listen Matt Kuchar / Ryder Cup story,
The funny story about how Seamus Golf got started
How they got into Bandon Dunes as their first golf shop
What has happened in the last 3-5 years that has made the look of your golf bag a form of personal expression
Why Oregon is the new hotbed for cool golf gear and experiences
What it’s like to play in Bandon’s Summer Solstice event every year
Goat caddies
Biggest surprise about the golf industry
How to break into the golf industry
Advice on how to start your own business
Why “Giving your buddies a Christmas gift” may be the ultimate business lesson you’ll ever learn.
A dream day in golf is _______
The importance of design when building a brand
The impact nostalgia can have on people wanting your product
And much more!